Saturday, 7 December 2019
Remake Remodel
We must insist in a moral leaphole. We mean , U must concept the value of summer kind or saarummind, wait,...I think that the kids will win! In this dimension-I can turn something into something else! Eureka! awesome'z better? Shut up crud. Backtothe game,..Ulra Sight-do U mofethemout there? They is running free. What Do? When they get to my place ? BlowUp!
Ho ho ho.! Ŵe Win! Vitoria! Keep'emPeeled

Friday, 6 December 2019
Wednesday, 4 December 2019
NASA Tell Us Why The World Has Not Been Told About This? 2019-2020
Sent from my MIND
Soccer: Tammy Abraham Is The Biz! Chelsea FC
Chelsea FC have landed the one thing that can't be bought-a bunch of home grown kids that can play like men. If your good enough you're old enough. That was always the mantra. Same as the old days, take Michael Owen: a cracking player: he'd jump twice as high as to head an incredible goal.

Notes from “Skeptoid 5” by Brian Dunning
I don't troll but this guy is a skeptic!
Skeptoid 5
Brian Dunning
We've never discovered an alien golden record, or a one-way alien probe, or any other evidence that we've been visited.
Last time. Brian Dunning Ur a nincompoop! Keep'emPeeled
Notes from “Skeptoid 5” by Brian Dunning
Skeptoid 5
Brian Dunning
Chances are we would have their probe on display in the Smithsonian
Have U, Brian Dunning ever heard of history & propaganda ? Disclosure Has Been Coming for 70 years. Still waiting. Keep'emPeeled
Excerpt From
Dunning, Brian. "Skeptoid 5." Brian Dunning, 2013-11-07T17:14-06:00. Apple Books.
This material may be protected by copyright.
Notes from “Skeptoid 5” by Brian Dunning
Notes from “Skeptoid 5” by Brian Dunning
Skeptoid 5
Brian Dunning
A fringe belief here on Earth is that aliens have visited, but merely stacked some rocks into pyramids, or drew a pattern into a cornfield, then left.
In a nutshell. What every day people believe because the government told them so.
Excerpt From
Dunning, Brian. "Skeptoid 5." Brian Dunning, 2013-11-07T17:14-06:00. Apple Books.
This material may be protected by copyright.
Tuesday, 3 December 2019
The Moon In Lanzarote
Cops Release Nü Klamps?
If U try to drive the vehicle, the driver & any passengers r doused with heavy-metal low-frequencies. This makes the iron part of Ur blood to rise in pressure! Making any kind of effort at perambulation impossible. Keep'emPeeled