I took this photo on live TV. I then wondered about the female figure. On rewinding my Tivo, I couldn't see the femme. I checked my iPhone 6+? It was on the phones iPhoto app! The TV program was about an underground Jewish bullet factory in Nazi held Poland. A GR8 tale of derring do & the Zion's fight against the horrid Nazis'.
I say this because I already filmed a UFO that was invisible to the naked eyes! But was visible through the camera in the iPhone 5.
This photograph with a ghost of a young femme,?which was taken on an a different iPhone (6+) not the 5, has given me pause to think. Maybe Apple r 4 Disclosure Of the Occult? Maybe anomalies r just Energy popping through dimensions? I'm just kidding! I don't know, but we gotta try, right? Keep'emPeeled @