Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Keep’emPeeled new social culture editorial


Recently I posted this article on my blog-proving I can predict the future. Ok it was only 27 minutes but it was true! Read what-posted well b4 end of drawn game. KeepUp! It follows:

Switching channel to Peru v Australia 🇦🇺 with 0-2 , but it's a game on! Unlike Denmark 🇩🇰 v Le Frances 🇫🇷 that was always going to be 0-0., Keep'emPeeled six (pun)

So I prophesied the final score! It could have been different in many ways, but I called it right! OK,-NOW I must call a bigger game. Ask me which match (say the final & Ill predict it?
Anyway, send me some mail with strange stuff so I can put it on my blog please?

Harry Kane scores Panama Hat-Trick @WorldCup⚽️2018

Sent from my iPhone

Isle of Dogs (2018)

Isle of Dogs (2018)
Set in Japan, Isle of Dogs follows a boy's odyssey in search of his lost dog.


GR8 music & plot & FUN! Keep'emPeeled 

Sent from my MIND



World Cup ⚽️2018
Switching channel to Peru v Australia 🇦🇺 with 0-2 , but it's a game on! Unlike Denmark 🇩🇰 v Le Frances 🇫🇷 that was always going to be 0-0., Keep'emPeeled six (pun)

Sent from my mind

Monday, 25 June 2018

World Cup 2018! Russia=red

I love soccer! When I was a child, I wanted to be a soccer player) Pele was my 1st God! Johan Cruft was my dream. Maradona was The Gr8est! Now we have Harry Kane!!! Engerland!
Win The World Cup! 2018 in Russia 4 the UK! I'm Scottish but like all my fellow Scots, we want England to win! U will make them. Keep'emPeeled @ http://www.astronutter.com

Sent from my iPhone6+

The Dark Knight: photo

From orbit, this photo was taken by a Russian cosmonaut from inside the ISS!

The Dark Knight Satellite.

This photo was taken from The ISS. It's supposedly true! NASA cannot deny it! Keep'emPeeled

Ghost. IMG_1146.jpg

I took this photo on live TV. I then wondered about the female figure. On rewinding my Tivo, I couldn't see the femme. I checked my iPhone 6+? It was on the phones iPhoto app! The TV program was about an underground Jewish bullet factory in Nazi held Poland. A GR8 tale of derring do & the Zion's fight against the horrid Nazis'.
I say this because I already filmed a UFO that was invisible to the naked eyes! But was visible through the camera in the iPhone 5.
This photograph with a ghost of a young femme,?which was taken on an a different iPhone (6+) not the 5, has given me pause to think. Maybe Apple r 4 Disclosure Of the Occult? Maybe anomalies r just Energy popping through dimensions? I'm just kidding! I don't know, but we gotta try, right? Keep'emPeeled @ http://www.astronutter.com

The Allagash Abductions - An OpenMinds.tv Documentary

Creepy. Keep'emPeeled


Sent from my iPhone

PLEASE DO NOT Watch This Video Home Alone!

Very controversial. They can do a lot with a computer nowadays, eg. Jurassic World 2018



NEW NASA Photo reveals strange anomalies on a Tycho Crater Hillside.

Check it out StreetCap1! Keep'emPeeled



Streetcap1's Tycho Moon Village.

Some more real stuff! Keep'emPeeled.



More Lunar Surface Anomalies

Beautiful vid (music) by StreetCap1@utube. Keep'emPeeled



The Black Knight Satellite - A Mystery In Earth Orbit




Everyone Must Watch This Antarctica Video Before It Is Deleted! (2018-2019)

Latest news! Keep'emPeeled



Secret Book of Enoch - Fallen Angels, Nephilim Giants & Aliens

Next in alternative history comes The Book Of Enoch. Many secrets can be pruned from
ancient tomes. Keep'emPeeled



The Anunnaki Creation Story: The Biggest Secret in Human History - Nibir...

This was b4 the Egyptians, so why didn't we get taught about them? Keep'emPeeled



MUFON UFO Video Submissions. (June 2018) Part 2.

Collection of vids. Keep'emPeeled.



Something Strange Just Happened Over London & Las Vegas! 2018

Third Phase Of Moon UFO vid. Keep'emPeeled



SPACE "Object" Like "Nothing Seen Before"

Bright flashes from another galaxy! +more. Keep'emPeeled

