Thursday, 30 January 2020

Who Is This Man?

Answers on a postcard please? Keep'emPeeled

Wednesday, 29 January 2020

My new image / logo ish

Check it out! Keep'emPeeled

Military : Drones ; & Morality?

OK. Drones -Search & Destroy. They r unmanned & r controlled from a target seeker
& ThE Shooter, the 1 who fires the discharge. Sometimes innocent people get caught
in the crossfire. Not good but usually, they get the right guy. Of course it's not right that innocents get done by error. We must go forward. No more shooting of innocents. Basta-enuff sic.

Trying 2 Find my ID ? What Ould U Do?

Hi, I've just thought that, who am I? What does all those people you know, in the streets, you recognise but are not friends?Maybe, they got it in for ya! Right! Get It On! But.., they are silent, they wait. You are made to put in motion, what they, ya, all, & Short, long & tall! U long! Take a listen…to a really cool beat-Keep'emPeeled

Tuesday, 28 January 2020

Astronaut: Catherine G Coleman ;alien experiencer.

She was working in the ISS when she saw through a window , in the space lab, a UFO!
They discredited her, saying she was having pmts or that kind of stuff, very west Wing! Top marks for the Hairstyle! Keep'emPeeled

Would U Fly With This Pilot?

Download Attachment
Available until 28 Feb 2020

UFO’c in Christian aRt, through centuries ,.

There's many things in the Bible that's been proved to have
happened, . So be sure that it is in true in The Koran & The Torah too-
et al . Religion l? A Wiseman said" Never talk of Religion & Politics¡".
& I always l, sempre follow wIsedom! Keep'emPeeled

Kobe Bryant:Basketball!Gr8!

Sorry, I just realised he's a basketball player? I suck! I'm gonna fix it, shush. Keep'emPeeled

The UFO Congress Store

If U! Wanna Know! What's Going On! Go! Keep'emPeeled

Monday, 27 January 2020

Security: Check Down!

Download Attachment
Available until 26 Feb 2020

Actress: Shirley Anne-Field

An English Rose! Gr8 stuff, she pushed acting for girls to the top! Keep'emPeeled

Muzak: done this on Memo

;will move to Garage Bandeleris ¿

The Anticipation Drop




Stewart Copeland, his series on music is very good. It's hard to do music understandingly but Stew gets it good!
I recommend this series for the understanding I brings. Gr8! Keep'emPeeled

Sunday, 26 January 2020

Thursday, 23 January 2020

Gang-Stalking-Is It Real?

Taken from my diary:

So, I'm in Poundland. I go to the check out & an old lady is before me, half in the que & looking in the fridge . So when the cashier's asked for next , I waited but she kept looking at the fridge. So I walk forward, ready to stop & a hand pulls me back. It's her big grandson, I say" no problems u go 1st!" She starts calling me the Devil! The guy that's behind me , the next in line tells me I gotta go to the end of the now big que! I ask for a manager. He comes just as the old lady & grandson are leaving. She's saying"God Sees Ur Evil Deeds-He listens & watches Ur every move! I just can't go out in the street now! 


Soccer: Zaha Lands A Smacker!

Handbags @Dawn keep'emPeeled.



Wednesday, 22 January 2020



Underwater -ALIEN!

This was supposedly taken under the freezing waters of a former commie state. 
There were several of them. Photo by military divers. Keep'emPeeled

Soccer:Pukki equalises Norwich v Tottenham HotSpurs

This guy from Finland shines for Norwich FC . Keep'emPeeled

Fwd: Skeptoid: The Trashy Secret of Plastic Bag Bans

Ecology: Keep'emPeeled! 

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Skeptoid Companion Email <>
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2020, 15:23
Subject: Skeptoid: The Trashy Secret of Plastic Bag Bans
To: Johnny Zhivago <>

Skeptoid Companion Email

The weekly companion email provided with each new episode of the Skeptoid podcast



All around the world, bans on plastic carryout bags are being passed faster than you can keep track, especially in western countries like the United States where environmental sentiment is most prolific. The idea behind the bans is simple and self-evident: a reduction in waste and litter, and a corresponding reduction in associated environmental impacts like greenhouse gases. At first glance, it seems like a perfectly rational step. Shoppers will turn to lower-impact options like reusable bags or easily-recyclable paper bags. The environment will benefit. Or will it? For it turns out that, from end-to-end, virtually every single belief that informs these bans is based on misinformation; and as a result, bans on plastic carryout bags do more harm than good. Most people have heard this claim, and many have dismissed it as pro-industry propaganda. Today we're going to look at the underlying data and uncover the real facts. by Brian Dunning
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Incredible how gullible even science news can be

Wonder of the Week
An uninteresting frame of FLIR footage that TTSA says is interesting

Today's Wonder of the Week illustrates my wonder at how gullible even science news can be.

For a long time, former rock musician Tom Delonge's UFO film production company To The Stars Academy -- an evolution of Skinwalker Ranch and later the dubious Pentagon $22 million UFO program -- has been blanketing the world media with press releases claiming that the US Navy says UFOs are real and it has the evidence. Note the important difference. The US Navy actually says no such thing and expresses little interest in UFOs; To The Stars simply says the US Navy believes in them.

Nevertheless their press releases get parroted by the world media nearly every time they come around. This week just blew my stack because it was picked up as the "top science story of the week" by Live Science, an organization which should definitely know better.

Read more.

Contributed by Brian Dunning.


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University of Miami Conspiracy Theory Conference

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An apocalyptic explosion. Rogue black holes. Infiltration of bloodthirsty zombies. A robot revolt. Alien invasion. Threats of the world's demise.

No, we aren't talking about the end of the world — it's simply the close of 2019 and beginning of new decade.

If you feel that speaking up for science should be a priority for 2020, please, open your wallet and support Skeptoid before year-end. Contributions are tax deductible for US taxpayers.

Here's to 2020 and giving reality a louder voice!


100 agoAll About Grounding — Some New Agers believe that you can heal virtually any ailment simply by taking off your shoes.


200 agoFirestorm in Waco — The FBI did not deliberately murder the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas.


300 agoYour Body's Alleged Energy Fields — There is no such thing as your body's energy field.


400 agoDeconstructing the Rothschild Conspiracy — Some believe that world governments and economies are secretly controlled by the Rothschild banking family.


500 agoAttack on Pearl Harbor — The American government did not have advance knowledge of the Pearl Harbor attack, and did not allow it to happen.

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Sunday, 19 January 2020

UFO Academy - Exploring the UFO phenomena

UK Keep'emPeeled


Saturday, 18 January 2020

Private Browsing

4 they who have Antidiluvian phones! Keep'emPeeled.

UFOS : Canaries Islands ;Spain;Atlantic Ocean; Earth; The Milky Way;The Universe.

Ghosts & UFO Sightings in the Canary Islands - Travel Hub


Wednesday, 15 January 2020

The Independent: Astronomers solve mystery of element that helped create life on Earth

Astronomers solve mystery of element that helped create life on Earth
Astronomers have solved the mystery of where phosphorus, so key for life on Earth, actually first came from.

The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told. 

Tuesday, 14 January 2020

Monday, 13 January 2020

Pop After The 80’s Died!

I remember this! Keep'emPeeled

Saturday, 11 January 2020

China’s Roswell

Ancient Roswell! Keep'emPeeled

Ghost Recording

Is this a person from the past reaching out to grief stricken relatives of the horrifically killings & murders? Keep'emPeeled

Friday, 10 January 2020

Ancient Cave aRt: The Helmeted Ones Italy

In this cave aRt found deep below, show humanoids with see thru visors-like astronauts!
40,000 years old. Down where a normal person would go to paint it. U would die just trying to get down there l! No lights! Well oil! Someone risked their life to draw these figures? Keep'emPeeled

V.A.R. IS C-R-A-P!

Soccer: This West Ham player scored a gR8 goal! VAR stopped it! BAD. Keep'emPeeled


Hip Hop Lady Designer. Keep'emPeeled

Flying High Up In The Sky,

I'm so drunk I had some pie! Keep'emPeeled


OK, it's me. I hope u have a Happy New Year!"

Wednesday, 8 January 2020

Devil In Disguise? Or ? -Carlos Ghosn

A Conspiracy Of Love? Keep'emPeeled

Politics: BBC News: Iran 'standing down' after missile strikes - Trump

Hopefully that's that but I doubt it. OK, General Soliemani (sic) was planning to cause harm to Us, The Allied peoples,  so we couldn't take a chance. War Is Hell! No-one wants it but those warlords that decide to use TERROR to strike fear in our hearts. POTUS Donald Trump Is (Wether U want or not, he was voted in.) iin charge Of America & the fre democratic world. His government, alongside Europe is trying to stop these Nepotists, but they've mixed ancient religions with present-day politics, what's that mean? It means-by that by  BRAINWASHING vulnerable people, they can get normal human beings into, : destroying beautiful ancient works of aRt: killing anyone who disagrees with them; filming all their ATROCITIES & putting it online; thinking that because you have an AK 47 that people like you & any mentally insufficient person can go on terrorising - normal, happy, balanced folks. Why would anyone strap lots of bombs to themselves, then go to a wedding, mix with the guests, eat the food & drink the refreshments, then push a button that will kill themselves & all those happy, unknown people? WHY? Keep'emPeeled 

Iran 'standing down' after missile strikes - Trump
The US president said no Americans were harmed after Iran targeted bases housing US forces in Iraq.

The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told. 

Tuesday, 7 January 2020

Monday, 6 January 2020

Pop: Simon Cowell

As he will be. Cryogenic. We have plans 4 U, mr Cowell. Keep'emPeeled @

TV: Star Trek: Discovery

Fantastic tv show! Charting the early start of The Klingon War. I just started it, I've been busy! , but I think it'll be Gr8! Keep'emPeeled @